If you are interested in logging in here with a different userID, please follow these steps to activate a sub-account. Once you do this, you will be able to login to your Client Area with either your primary email address (@litewire.net) or the email address you create with these steps.

To do this, follow these steps:

1) Select the "[Your name] Account" option from the upper right on the black bar.
2) From the menu, select Contacts/Sub-Accounts
3) If the email address you desire to use is listed in the light blue bar, select it, otherwise select Add New Contact and add the contact details.
4) Select the option labeled "Activate Sub-Account"
5) You will see an additional panel open up. Enter your desired password, confirm that and then select all of the Permissions that this account should have access to. Most of the time you would want to select all of them.
6) Press the blue "Save changes" button.

At this point you are now able to login to your client area with either your primary login or the sub-account login that you just setup. You can make changes to your account in this same area as often as you wish..

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

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