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Using LiteWire Spam Controls

The well-known problem with spam getting into our emails requires advanced systems to maintain. Without these systems, email servers around the planet are overwhelmed to the point of no longer providing any useful function.

There are two basic ways to manage spam: 1) Server-side controls and 2) Client-side controls. It is technically possible to use both at the same time, but in general it is easier to pick one so that incorrect settings don't cause lost email. This article will focus on server-side controls because any client software that you choose to manage spam on your own end will come with its own instructions.

When using server-side controls, you will need to log in to your mailbox here: https://mail.litewire.net

Once logged into your mail, you will see a list of the messages that are currently in your mailbox. Right-clicking any message will produce a context-sensitive menu. The center of this menu lists available spam controls as follows:

TRUST SENDER - This option is used to tell the system that you want to always receive messages from this sender. Selecting this option will bypass all other spam controls.

BLOCK SENDER - This option will tag the selected sender to always be transferred immediately to "Junk Mail" without asking in the future. Note that this option is sender specific, so it will not work if the spam source changes their email address each time.

CREATE CONTENT FILTER - This option will open a new screen with the following options:
          NAME - For future reference, you must name the filter you are creating. Choose any name you like.
          MATCH TYPE - Choose either "All" or "Any". This is otherwise known as an "and/or" selection where the following conditions should all apply for the filter to match, or any entered condition will make it match. It is important to note here that if you create a rule that matches content too easily, you will cause it to capture far more messages than you wanted.
           ENABLE WILDCARDS - Toggle on or off. This option controls whether you want to use pattern matching for controls where "pa*" will match both "pattern" and "path" and every other word that starts with "pa" while "pattern?" will only match words with that exact number of letters and would match "patterns" as well as "pattern1" and so on.

          NEW CONDITION - Create a new condition that will be used to apply to this filter. Note that several conditions are already prelisted based on the message that you selected to get this far. You may want to select one or more of the existing conditions in order to suit your needs. For example, if it lists the full subject, but they keep changing the text of the subject, simply change that entry to better match or even remove the condition entirely. You MUST have at least one condition for the filter to work.

           NEW ACTION - Add an action to be performed when the conditions above are met. Note that rules can be used for more than just unwanted messages. You can select a variety of options, but for the purpose of this article, you would want to select "Move Message" and then select Junk from the folder list. You can click the "?" in the black bar of the Action sub-window to get help for other use cases that are available.

Once your filter is set the way you like it, press "Save" in the upper left corner. You can review and adjust existing filters by selecting the gear icon at the top of your email account and selecting "Content Filtering" from the drop-down menu.

These tools are very powerful tools that give you complete control of the messages that end up in your mailbox.

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